
tag Banya tips

Tips for your visit to Banya No.1

Tips for your visit to Banya No.1

As a Russian banya is a unique experience for many people, we have decided to run through the most frequently asked questions to explain how it works. Why do I need to wear a hat inside the steam room? Steam and high temperatures are good for the body, but not for the vessels inside the

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A list of a few dos and don’ts

A list of a few dos and don’ts

Do: get naked People generally strip off to use banya. While this may seem a little odd or confronting for people coming from countries where public bathing and steam rooms aren’t really a thing, it would be more strange for you to wear a swimsuit than to not wear one. In Banya No.1 we suggest

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Banya No.1 etiquette

Banya No.1 etiquette

Use the wristband to secure your belongings in a locker and then, covering yourself in a towel, head to the banya/ wet area. Put on a felt hat to prevent overheating and then enter the steam room for no more than 10 minutes on the first go. Seat or lay down on your towel. Afterwards,

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Traditions of Russian Banya

Traditions of Russian Banya

Wear a felt hat to protect your head from overheating Spend no more than 5-10 minutes in parnaya (steam room) to begin with Cool down in the lounge area for about 15 minutes and re-hydrate with some herbal tea Back to parnaya for a detoxifying honey & sea salt scrub, which will melt deep into

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