Ksenia K / TripAdvisor
I’ve been coming to this place for little over 3 years now. I was never a big fan of Spas anyways and was looking for alternative options. Read on this place and was instantaneously sold. In three years it got me back from [en coup with my neurosurgeon physio and daily walks] It’s like Xmas comes again every time I go there. This Spas offers a ground breaking treatments that will surely have you back on the World Health Map. Intense heat in an enclosed wooden cabin complete with a purpose built brick furnace, a traditional Russian steam furnace [whether its a public cabin or their very own private Taiga cabin] complete with wooden long benches where you sit and/or lie down and relax overpowered by the hot steam & fragrance of twigs and a large wooden treatment table [credits on their websites] where you get worked on with a ‘venik’ [bunch of leafy twigs] to complete the russian ritual /experience. I would not name all of the health provisions you’d benefit by coming to this place [do your own research- out helps a lot when you do your own research multiplied by other ppl reviews] but certainly I’ve obtained such more what I initially have bargained for in terms of my overall health. I have returned to ski racing last year and frankly nothing matters to me more than I’m now back on skis and able to actually WALK again! I must say, Russians do talk a great deal of business. Love yourself – love russian banya!